10 Essential Estate Planning Steps for 2024

Today is the perfect opportunity to make decisions concerning your future. The simple actions involved in estate planning only require a handful of legal documents and a minimal time commitment. Here are ten simple tips to ensure that the estate plan that you draft in Read More …

What Happens When My Child (Over 18) Passes Without a Will?

We can’t predict when it is our time to go, but one thing is certain: death and taxes persist even after we’re gone. More than half of Americans lack a will, often due to the belief that their assets aren’t significant and they won’t die Read More …

How Does NY Tax Law Affect Estate Planning?

When planning an estate, all individuals are subject to a federal tax. However, it is important to consider the state tax laws that affect individuals in different ways depending on where they live. For example, citizens in Florida will be subject to different regulations from Read More …

Can I Inherit Digital Assets?

Throughout the years, we have seen new waves of technological advancements in investing on the internet. In the past few years, a vast amount of people have invested in digital assets. Digital assets are anything that is digital, has value, and can be identifiable. This Read More …

8 Reasons Why you May Need to Update your Will

Life can be full of twists and turns that lead to unexpected events. This is why it’s important to have your affairs in order and written in a will. However, a common mistake made is many of us draft a will and then store it Read More …

Revocable Vs Irrevocable Trust: What’s the Difference?

What is a Trust? A trust is a separate legal entity that a person sets up during their lifetime to manage their assets. Its purpose is to ensure that a person’s assets will be used and distributed in a way they deem appropriate. Once a Read More …

6 Common Mistakes in Estate Planning to Avoid

While estate planning is an important task everyone faces at one point, it can get complicated. Oftentimes we are forced to think about our own mortality, and how we want our valuables to be passed along which is never easy. But essentially, the purpose of Read More …

3 Ways To Address an Estranged Child In your Estate Plan

All families experience conflicts, but if it is to a particularly severe extent, you may not want one of your children to reap the benefits of your estate. There are different strategies for handling an estranged child in your estate plan. Based on the level Read More …

How Long Does An Executor’s Job Take?

Being an executor of an estate can prove to be a particularly time-consuming responsibility. While a standard simple estate may only take a few months to probate, larger complicated ones with problems can last for years. If you are agreeing to the role of executor, Read More …