LLC vs S-Corp. Comparison

S-Corporation v. LLC - which entity has a better tax treatment, where does tax "flows through" and where do you get taxed on an entity basis. NY Top Corporate Finance attorney explains difference between LLC and and an S-corporation and describes which one is better for Asset Protection purposes.

This e-book includes a lot of helpful information including: the pros and cons of an LLC and of an S-Corp, tax treatment of LLC and S-Corp., Membership requirements of LLC v S-Corporation and is S-Corporation or LLC is better for my NY City business.


  1. LLC vs S-Corp which is better?

LLC vs S-Corp which is better?

2. 5 differences between LLC and S-corp

5 differences between LLC and S-corp

3. What is LLC / S-Corporation?

What is LLC / S-Corporation

4. Pros of

Pros of

5. Cons of

Cons of

6. LLC vs S-corporation in court

LLC vs S-corporation in court

7. Does the IRS treat S-corporation as an LLC?

Does the IRS treat S-corporation as an LLC?

8. Can an S-corporation be a member in an LLC?

Can an S-corporation be a member in an LLC?

9. What type of company should I open?

What type of company should I open?

10. Hire an attorney

Hire an attorney