10 Essential Estate Planning Steps for 2024

Today is the perfect opportunity to make decisions concerning your future. The simple actions involved in estate planning only require a handful of legal documents and a minimal time commitment. Here are ten simple tips to ensure that the estate plan that you draft in Read More …

Five Ways You Can Be Sued if You Do Not Protect Your Assets

In today’s unpredictable world, protecting your hard-earned assets is essential. Failure to protect your assets adequately can put you in a vulnerable position subject to potential lawsuits that may jeopardize your financial stability. As an individual or a business owner, it is crucial to learn Read More …

Why Trusts Are Crucial to Protect Your Assets From Being Seized

In today’s society, protecting your hard earned assets from unforeseen threats is a top priority. Whether you have accumulated wealth through years of diligent work or inherited a valuable estate, the fear of losing it to creditors, lawsuits or other unforeseen circumstances can be daunting. Read More …

Laughing Heir Examples in Popular Culture

Have you ever fantasized about the possibility of inheriting a significant fortune from a distant uncle? If so, you will be glad to know that you are not the only one. In fact, this scenario is more common than you might think, and it even Read More …

A Step-by-Step Guide to Navigating Estate Planning as a Small Business

As a small business owner, you have invested countless hours and exhibited unwavering dedication in meeting and exceeding your goals. It is no secret that creating and managing a small business is an extremely difficult and impressive feat deserving immense admiration. You have overcome many Read More …

Assuring Your Family’s Financial Security in a COVID & Post COVID World through Estate Planning

How long will we be living with COVID-19? While this question might seem to apply only to the health-related aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is important to note that it has also fundamentally challenged our financial lives as Americans. The decrease in consumption and Read More …

Estate Planning for Restaurant Owners

The food service industry is a fast-paced, unpredictable, and wholly chaotic environment. As a restaurant owner, you have countless responsibilities and moving factors to keep track of. Your life is anything but calm, and sitting down to create an estate plan is likely the last Read More …

Five Asset Protection Tips Before You Get Married

While an engagement is filled with the joy of new beginnings, the excitement of wedding plans and dreams of exotic honeymoons, it’s crucial to consider the importance of protecting your assets. While it may not seem like the most opportune time to discuss the topic, Read More …

How to Create an Estate Plan With Property in Multiple States

Have you been thinking about purchasing that tropical paradise vacation home you’ve been dreaming of in Florida? Or the charming countryside farmhouse with a picturesque landscape in Pennsylvania? Or how about a rustic ski cabin with a crackling fireplace in the mountains of Colorado? Over Read More …

Why Doctors, Especially, Should Worry About Asset Protection

The threat of a medical malpractice suit is an ever present reality for healthcare professionals in the United States. According to a study conducted in 2022, 31.2 percent of physicians reported that they have been sued at some point in their careers. Medical malpractice lawsuits Read More …