Как получить наследство в Америке?

Получение наследства в Америке может быть сложным процессом, особенно для тех, кто не знаком с законами и процедурами этой страны. Чтобы получить наследство в Америке вам нужно иметь или завещание или траст. Наличие завещания обеспечивает распределение имущества в соответствии с волей умершего после прохождения соответствующего Read More …

10 Essential Estate Planning Steps for 2024

Today is the perfect opportunity to make decisions concerning your future. The simple actions involved in estate planning only require a handful of legal documents and a minimal time commitment. Here are ten simple tips to ensure that the estate plan that you draft in Read More …

Trustee, Guardian, Power of Attorney – Who Has More Power in New York?

In the world of estate planning and asset management, there are three important roles to make note of; trustee, guardian, and a power of attorney. The responsibilities that come with these roles include managing Medicaid eligibility, guardianships, trusts, and ensuring the financial stability of those Read More …

What Happens When My Child (Over 18) Passes Without a Will?

We can’t predict when it is our time to go, but one thing is certain: death and taxes persist even after we’re gone. More than half of Americans lack a will, often due to the belief that their assets aren’t significant and they won’t die Read More …

Five Crucial Steps in Planning for Ancillary Probate

The probate process can be stressful and time-consuming without the proper plan in place. The probate process can become even more stressful and time-consuming if the decedent owned property in multiple states, requiring an ancillary probate to secure the distribution of such property to their Read More …

Does My Estranged Spouse Have A Right To Inheritance?

It is the unfortunate reality that marriages can end in separation or divorce. Although separation and divorce are a natural part of current relationship trends in the United States and across the world, it is important to understand their estate planning implications. Particularly, it is Read More …

Ancillary Probate: What Is It And How Do I Avoid It?

Upon the death of a person without an estate plan or only a last will and testament as a testamentary document, their estate must go through the probate process or their will must be submitted to the Surrogate’s Court located in the county of their Read More …

Planning Your Estate After A Terminal Diagnosis

Receiving a terminal diagnosis is a devastating health outcome for a patient and their loved ones, and while it most certainly will cause dread and despair, it is important to realize that the terminally diagnosed person and their family must take certain steps to ensure Read More …

Assuring Your Family’s Financial Security in a COVID & Post COVID World through Estate Planning

How long will we be living with COVID-19? While this question might seem to apply only to the health-related aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is important to note that it has also fundamentally challenged our financial lives as Americans. The decrease in consumption and Read More …