Blog Articles

New York Medicaid and Dementia Patients- What Are the Qualifications Required for the 12/12 NHTD Dementia Care Program?

New York Medicaid and Dementia Patients- What Are the Qualifications Required for the 12/12 NHTD Dementia Care Program?

The 12/12 NHTD Dementia Care Program, administered by New York Medicaid, offers vital support for individuals facing Alzheimer’s or dementia, ...
Ensuring Continuation of Public Benefits for Personal Injury Award Recipients: A Strategic Approach

Can I Lose SSI and Medicaid if I Receive a Personal Injury Settlement?

Navigating the complexities of public benefits and personal injury settlements is a nuanced task that demands foresight and strategic planning ...
Attorney with Clients Signing Legal Documents

Как получить наследство в Америке?

Получение наследства в Америке может быть сложным процессом, особенно для тех, кто не знаком с законами и процедурами этой страны ...
Foreign Assets in Estate Planning

10 Essential Estate Planning Steps for 2024

Today is the perfect opportunity to make decisions concerning your future. The simple actions involved in estate planning only require ...
Attorney with Clients Signing Legal Documents

Trustee, Guardian, Power of Attorney – Who Has More Power in New York?

In the world of estate planning and asset management, there are three important roles to make note of; trustee, guardian, ...
Dying With a Small Estate

What Happens When My Child (Over 18) Passes Without a Will?

We can't predict when it is our time to go, but one thing is certain: death and taxes persist even ...
5 Ways You Can Be Sued if You Do Not Protect Your Assets

Five Ways You Can Be Sued if You Do Not Protect Your Assets

In today’s unpredictable world, protecting your hard-earned assets is essential. Failure to protect your assets adequately can put you in ...
Investing in IRAs

An Introductory Legal Guide to Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs)

Retirement marks a significant milestone for working-class Americans, promising the allure of leisure and freedom from the constraints of full-time ...
Why Trusts are Necessary to Protect From Seizure

Why Trusts Are Crucial to Protect Your Assets From Being Seized

In today's society, protecting your hard earned assets from unforeseen threats is a top priority. Whether you have accumulated wealth ...
Laughing Heir

Laughing Heir Examples in Popular Culture

Have you ever fantasized about the possibility of inheriting a significant fortune from a distant uncle? If so, you will ...
Five Crucial Steps in Planning for Ancillary Probate

Five Crucial Steps in Planning for Ancillary Probate

The probate process can be stressful and time-consuming without the proper plan in place. The probate process can become even ...
Estate Planning for Small Businesses

A Step-by-Step Guide to Navigating Estate Planning as a Small Business

As a small business owner, you have invested countless hours and exhibited unwavering dedication in meeting and exceeding your goals ...
Leaving a Digital Legacy: Passing on Your Virtual Assets

Leaving a Digital Legacy: The Importance of Passing on Your Virtual Assets in Your Will

The rise of social media and digital platforms has provided young people with unprecedented opportunities to generate wealth by becoming ...
What Is A Pooled Income Trust And How Can It Help Me Qualify For Community-Based Medicaid?

What Is A Medicaid Pooled Income Trust And How Can It Help Me Qualify For Community-Based Medicaid?

As one ages, there is the possibility that they may incur some sort of physical or mental disability which makes ...
Does My Estranged Spouse Have A Right To Inheritance?

Does My Estranged Spouse Have A Right To Inheritance?

It is the unfortunate reality that marriages can end in separation or divorce. Although separation and divorce are a natural ...
Ancillary Probate: What Is It And How Do I Avoid It?

Ancillary Probate: What Is It And How Do I Avoid It?

Upon the death of a person without an estate plan or only a last will and testament as a testamentary ...
Planning Your Estate After A Terminal Diagnosis

Planning Your Estate After A Terminal Diagnosis

Receiving a terminal diagnosis is a devastating health outcome for a patient and their loved ones, and while it most ...
Estate Planning Second Marriage

Navigating the Complex Terrain of Second Marriages: How QTIP Trusts Secure Your Legacy and Family Harmony

Stepping into a second marriage brings with it a unique blend of hope, happiness, and, inevitably, complexity. Amidst the joy ...
The Finances of COVID-19

Assuring Your Family’s Financial Security in a COVID & Post COVID World through Estate Planning

How long will we be living with COVID-19? While this question might seem to apply only to the health-related aspects ...
Estate Planning for Restaurant Owners

Estate Planning for Restaurant Owners

The food service industry is a fast-paced, unpredictable, and wholly chaotic environment. As a restaurant owner, you have countless responsibilities ...