New York Probate Attorney

Probate is the legal process of validating a deceased person's Last Will in Surrogate’s Court. In New York State, this complex proceeding can take up to one and a half years. For residents of New York City, the cost of probate can vary based on the estate's value, complexity, and other factors. Probating a will in the Surrogate's Court of Kings or New York County typically costs 5-7% of the estate's value. Standard probate fees are approximately $10,000 for estates valued between $500,000 and $1,000,000, but these costs can increase significantly if the will is contested or if probate litigation arises due to disputes from excluded beneficiaries. A New York probate attorney can guide you through the entire legal process. For assistance with probate or estate issues, call our New York estate probate lawyer at (718) 333-2394 to schedule a consultation.

What is Administration?

Administration is the legal process of managing and distributing a deceased person's estate when there is no valid will. This process, which takes place in Surrogate Courts, involves appointing an administrator to handle the estate's affairs. Unlike probate, which validates a will, administration is necessary when a person dies without a will. The process begins with a family member or interested party filing a petition with the Surrogate's Court to be appointed as the estate's administrator. The court then appoints an administrator, typically a close relative, to manage the estate. If no family member is available, the court may appoint a public administrator.

The administrator's responsibilities include identifying, locating, and valuing all of the deceased's assets, paying any debts, bills, and taxes owed by the estate, and finally, distributing the remaining assets to the decedent's heirs according to New York State intestacy laws. Similar to the probate process, the cost and duration of the administration process can vary depending on the estate's complexity and value. 

About The Probate Process

Probate is the legal procedure of validating a deceased person's Last Will and Testament and distributing their property to the designated beneficiaries according to their estate plan. The probate process typically involves the following key steps:

  1. Appointment of an Executor or Administrator: If the decedent had an estate plan, the executor named in the will is usually appointed to administer the estate. If an executor is not named, the probate court will appoint an administrator.
  2. Validation of the Will: The will must be proven valid. This involves ensuring that the will complies with state laws regarding notaries, signatures, and witnesses. The court verifies that the will meets all legal requirements to be deemed valid.
  3. Identification and Appraisal of Property: The deceased person’s assets are then identified and appraised. This step ensures that all property is accounted for and valued accurately.
  4. Payment of Debts and Taxes: Any outstanding debts and taxes owed by the deceased are paid from the estate. This may include settling bills, paying off loans, and ensuring all taxes are properly filed and paid.
  5. Distribution of Assets: Once all debts and taxes are settled, the remaining assets are distributed to the beneficiaries as specified in the will. 

What is the Difference Between Probate and Administration? 

Probate and Administration are both legal processes for managing and distributing a deceased person's estate, but they apply in different circumstances and involve separate procedures. Probate is used when the deceased person left a valid Last Will and Testament. The primary goal of probate is to validate the will and ensure the deceased’s wishes, as stated in their will, are followed. The probate process involves the court appointing the executor named in the will to manage the estate, validating the will, identifying and appraising the deceased’s assets, paying off any debts and taxes, and distributing the remaining assets to the beneficiaries specified in the will..

Administration, on the other hand, is only necessary when the deceased person did not leave a valid will or the will does not name an executor. The goal of administration is to manage and distribute the estate according to state laws. In this process, the court appoints an administrator, usually a close relative, to manage the estate. The administrator's duties include identifying and appraising the deceased’s assets, notifying potential heirs, paying off any debts and taxes, and distributing the remaining assets according to state laws.

The key differences between probate and administration lie in the existence of a will and the appointment of an estate manager. Probate deals with estates where a valid will is present, and the executor named in the will manages the estate. In contrast, administration handles estates without a valid will, and the court appoints an administrator. Additionally, in the probate process assets are distributed according to the will, while in administration assets are distributed according to state laws. While both processes involve court oversight, the specifics of court involvement and the roles of the appointed estate managers differ. Understanding these differences can help in navigating the legal processes required to manage and distribute an estate after a person's death. 

What is the Average Timeline of Probate in NYC?

The average timeline of probate in New York City can vary depending on several factors, including the complexity of the estate, whether the will is contested, and the efficiency of the executor or administrator. Here is a general overview of the typical timeline for the probate process in NYC:

1. Filing the Petition (1-2 months):

The process begins with filing a petition for probate in the Surrogate’s Court in the county where the deceased lived. This includes submitting the original will, death certificate, and other required documents. 

2. Appointment of Executor/Administrator (1-3 months):

After the petition is filed, the court reviews the documents and, if everything is in order, appoints the executor named in the will. If there is no will or the named executor cannot serve, the court appoints an administrator. This step may take longer if there are objections or if additional information is needed.

3. Validation of the Will (2-6 months):

The court must validate the will. This involves ensuring it meets legal requirements and may include a hearing if there are challenges to the will’s authenticity. All named beneficiaries and potential heirs are given the opportunity to contest the will.

4. Appraisal of Assets (3-9 months):

The executor or administrator is responsible for identifying and appraising the deceased’s assets. This can take several months, especially if the estate includes numerous or complex assets, such as real estate, investments, or business interests.

5. Payment of Debts and Taxes (6-12 months):

The executor or administrator pays off any outstanding debts, including medical bills, credit card debts, and loans, as well as any estate and income taxes owed. This step can be time-consuming, particularly if tax returns need to be filed and approved by the IRS and state tax authorities.

6. Distribution of Assets (9-18 months):

Once all debts, taxes, and expenses have been paid, the executor or administrator distributes the remaining assets to the beneficiaries as outlined in the will or according to state intestacy laws if there is no will. This step includes preparing and filing a final accounting with the court.

7. Closing the Estate (12-24 months):

After the final distribution of assets, the executor or administrator files a petition to close the estate. The court reviews the final accounting and, if everything is in order, issues an order to close the estate. This officially ends the probate process.

Overall, the average probate process in NYC can take anywhere from 12 to 24 months.

How to Avoid Probate?

Avoiding the costs and long delays of the probate process is simpler than most people think. Below are some simple tips to help you keep more of your estate in the hands of your loved ones.

  1. Set up a Living Trust

The simplest and most straightforward way to bypass the probate process is by creating a living trust. Unlike a will which only distributes your assets upon death, a living trust transfers ownership of the assets from the original owner to the trust itself which is managed by a trustee for the direct benefit of your beneficiaries. It allows you to avoid the entire process of probate since the assets placed into the trust are no longer under your possession.

  1. Add A Payable-on-Death Beneficiary

Another way to avoid probate is to simply add a payable-on-death beneficiary to any or all of your financial accounts including but not limited to life insurance policies, 401k plans, pension plans, stocks, bonds and IRA accounts. To get started, simply request and fill out the payable on death that your bank or brokerage company provides. If you’re married, it’s important to remember that some of these accounts may be partially owned by your spouse. By filling out these forms, you ensure that your assets are immediately transferred upon death and thus, avoid the expensive and time consuming cost of probate.

  1. Hold Any Property You Own Jointly with A Spouse or Significant Other

One last way to avoid probate is to hold any property you own jointly with a spouse or significant other. Having joint ownership allows the property to pass automatically to your significant other without going through probate, regardless of your marital status.

Common Issues Clients Need Help With During Probate

1. Review of Existing Will:

During probate, it's crucial to review the existing will to ensure its validity and accuracy. This involves examining the language used, confirming that it complies with state laws regarding signatures and witnesses, and addressing any ambiguities or inconsistencies that may arise. An experienced attorney can help interpret the provisions of the will and advise on any necessary amendments or clarifications.

2. Review of Beneficiaries:

Identifying and reviewing beneficiaries named in the will or under state intestacy laws is essential for proper distribution of the estate. Issues may arise if beneficiaries are unclearly defined, if there are disputes over entitlement, or if beneficiaries cannot be located. An attorney can assist in verifying beneficiary identities, resolving disputes, and ensuring equitable distribution of assets.

3. Family Tree Affidavit:

A family tree affidavit is a legal document that outlines the deceased's familial relationships and heirs. It may be required by the court to establish the heirs' rights to inherit from the estate, especially if there are complexities or disputes regarding familial connections. An attorney can help prepare and submit a comprehensive family tree affidavit to facilitate the probate process.

4. Genealogy Report and Search for Missing Family Members:

In cases where heirs or beneficiaries cannot be easily identified or located, a genealogy report and search for missing family members may be necessary. This involves researching family history, tracing lineage, and conducting thorough investigations to locate potential heirs. An attorney with experience in probate genealogy can assist in these efforts to ensure all rightful heirs are included in the probate proceedings.

5. Preparation of Probate Petition:

The probate petition is a formal legal document filed with the court to initiate the probate process. It outlines key details about the deceased, the will (if applicable), and requests the appointment of an executor or administrator. Proper preparation of the probate petition is essential for initiating probate proceedings smoothly and efficiently.

6. Filing of Probate Petition:

Filing the probate petition with the appropriate court is a critical step in the probate process. This involves submitting the necessary documents, paying any required fees, and complying with court procedures and deadlines. An attorney can ensure that the probate petition is filed correctly and promptly, minimizing delays and potential complications.

7. Service of Process on Beneficiaries:

Proper service of process ensures that all interested parties, including beneficiaries named in the will and potential heirs, are notified of the probate proceedings. This involves delivering legal documents, such as the probate petition and summons, to the beneficiaries in accordance with state law requirements. An attorney can handle the service of process to ensure compliance with legal requirements and proper notification of all interested parties.

Other Potential Issues:

  • Contested Will: Disputes may arise if beneficiaries or other interested parties contest the validity of the will, alleging fraud, undue influence, or lack of testamentary capacity.
  • Creditor Claims: Creditors may assert claims against the estate for outstanding debts owed by the deceased, requiring careful review and resolution to protect estate assets.
  • Estate Tax Issues: Depending on the value of the estate, estate taxes may be owed, requiring proper valuation of assets and compliance with tax laws.
  • Property Ownership Disputes: Disputes may arise over ownership of specific assets, such as real estate or valuable personal property, requiring resolution to facilitate proper distribution.
  • Executor/Administrator Disputes: Conflict may arise among co-executors or between the executor/administrator and beneficiaries, necessitating legal intervention to resolve disputes and ensure effective estate administration.

How Our New York Probate Lawyer Will Help You

An experienced New York probate lawyer at the Law Office of Inna Fershteyn will provide comprehensive assistance throughout the probate process, ensuring that all legal requirements are met and that the estate is managed efficiently. Here’s how our probate lawyer can help:

1. Determine the Appropriate Petition:

The lawyer will assess your situation to determine whether to file a probate or administration petition in Surrogate’s Court. They will also advise on the correct county in which to file the petition, ensuring jurisdictional compliance and streamlining the process.

2. Prepare and File the Petition:

Our probate lawyer will assist in preparing and filing the appropriate petition with Surrogate’s Court. This includes gathering all necessary documents, completing required forms, and submitting them promptly to initiate the probate or administration proceedings.

3. Support for Executor/Administrator:

The appointed executor or administrator will receive full support from our lawyer in managing the estate. This includes guiding them through paying off estate debts to rightful creditors, handling the sale of estate assets, paying estate taxes, and overseeing the final distribution of assets to the heirs. Our lawyer ensures that these tasks are performed in compliance with legal requirements and in the best interest of the estate.

4. Representation in Will Contest Proceedings:

If there is a dispute regarding the validity of the will, our probate lawyer will represent clients in will contest proceedings. They will provide legal advice and advocacy to resolve disputes, protect the integrity of the will, and ensure that the decedent’s wishes are honored.

5. Expert Representation in NYC Surrogate’s Court:

Our lawyer has extensive experience with the NYC Surrogate’s Court and understands its specific procedures and requirements. This expertise ensures efficient handling of all court interactions and proceedings, minimizing delays and complications.

By providing these services, the Law Office of Inna Fershteyn helps clients navigate the complexities of the probate process, ensuring that estates are administered effectively and in accordance with the law. Contact us today for professional assistance with your probate or estate administration needs.

Call (718) 333-2394 to set up a consultation or contact us online.

What is a Will Contest?

A will contest occurs when a potential heir or an alleged debtor of the estate challenges the validity of a will. Here are the most common reasons for contesting a will:

1. Existence of a Later Will:

If a valid will executed at a later date than the one offered for probate is discovered, the later will supersede the earlier one.

2. Coercion and Undue Influence:

If the decedent was influenced through coercion, duress, or fraud to include the wishes of another person, rather than their own, in the will, the will may be deemed invalid.

3. Fraud:

A will can be contested if it can be shown that a false statement was made to the deceased, convincing them to dispose of their property in a manner different from what they would have otherwise intended.

4. Incapacity:

The law requires the decedent to have been of "sound mind" at the time the will was made. This typically means the person understands in a general way (1) what they own, (2) who their family is, and (3) what their will provides. The state of mind at the time of making and signing the will is the mental state considered. If the testator (the person making the will) generally suffers from an unsound mind but has occasional moments of clarity, and the will was executed during one of those moments, then it would be valid. Proving that the decedent was mentally ill or under the influence of alcohol or drugs at the time the will was made can also establish incapacity.

5. Improper Execution:

A will must be properly executed to be valid, meaning it must conform to the state’s requirements. In New York, the testator must be 18 years of age or older and of sound mind and memory. The will must be witnessed by at least two persons who will not benefit under the will. A will must be executed in strict compliance with the law, or it will not be valid. Homemade wills are particularly risky and often lead to legal disputes.

6. Forgery:

A will can be declared invalid if any portion of it, including any terms or the signatures of the testator or witnesses, is determined to be forged.

If a will contest occurs, a trial must be held to resolve the contest before the will can be probated.

Brooklyn Probate Lawyer

The Law Office of Inna Fershteyn is located at 1517 Voorhies Avenue in Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn NY, and proudly serves clients from all over Brooklyn, including Manhattan Beach, Bensonhurst, Ocean Parkway, Dyker Heights, Park Slope, and many many more of our communities. We work directly with the Kings County Surrogate’s Court at 2 Johnson Street, Brooklyn, NY to serve our probate and estate planning clients.

Manhattan Probate Lawyer

We’re also located at 312 East 2nd Street, New York, NY and serve clients all over the Manhattan area including Midtown Manhattan, Chelsey, Soho, Wall Street, Upper East Side and Upper West Side, and work closely with the New York County Surrogate’s Court at 31 Chambers Street NY, NY to fulfill their administration, probate and estate needs.

Probate FAQs

How Long Does the Probate Process Last?

The duration of any probate process directly depends on the complexity of the estate (or lack thereof). Factors such as the number of assets and debts in the estate, whether or not there is a will, whether the beneficiaries can be easily found and contacted, and whether there will be any disagreements or disputes regarding the validity of the will or distributions determine how long it will take for an estate to go through probate. Generally speaking though, the probate process can last anywhere from two months to three years in the state of New York.

What Happens If There is No Will?

When a person dies without a will, their assets are distributed to relative survivors according to probate rules. In New York that means that a closest living family member is entitled to the assets from the estate.

When Is It Necessary to Not Have A Will?

A will may not be necessary if you know that you will have no probatable assets when you die, you’ve made arrangements for your property and are confident that your wishes will be carried out, you are satisfied with the transfers that will occur according to local intestate law or if you know that your property will pass automatically upon death.

Do All Assets Have to Go Through Probate?

Some, or all, of the assets within a decedent’s estate may not have to go through probate to be transferred. In fact, non-probate are typically transferred directly to designated beneficiaries without any involvement with probate court.

What are Non-Probate Assets?

Jointly owned property with survivorship rights does not have to be probated. Real estate, vehicles, bank accounts and any other properties that have a title document may be held jointly with survivorship rights and may not need to be probated – that is, when one owner dies, the title automatically passed to the remaining, living owner.

Properties that have designated beneficiaries, such as life insurance policies, bank accounts and other financial accounts do not need to be probated. These are called payable-on-death accounts, and if a beneficiary is listed, they will receive all of the assets upon death of the account holder. Properties including stocks, bonds and other types of securities typically allow for a beneficiary designation called Transfer-on-Death to be named as well; like with payable-on-death beneficiaries, assets from these accounts will automatically be transferred to the respective designees upon death of the account holder. If the beneficiary is listed as an estate though, or the beneficiary is already deceased, the asset will become part of the probatable estate.

Additionally, property owned by a living trust does not need to be probated. Upon death of the grantor, the trustee will transfer the trust property to the designated beneficiaries in the trust documents.

If Avoiding Probate Is Not An Option, Who Will Manage The Probate Process?

An executor named in a will or a court-appointed administrator will be responsible for overseeing the probate process. Their legal obligations include obtaining the original will, hiring a probate attorney (if necessary), initiating the probate process, canceling credit cards, notifying the government of the decedent’s death, and managing the estate’s assets.

If probate is deemed to be unnecessary, the decedent’s family may choose an informal representative to pay off debts and distribute the property within the estate. The chosen representative is usually a family member or close friend of the deceased. 

Can I File a Probate or Administration Petition Without an Attorney? 

Yes, it is possible to file a probate or administration petition without an attorney. However, it is not advised due to the complexity and potential pitfalls of the process. Probate involves numerous legal and procedural requirements that can be challenging to navigate without professional guidance. An experienced probate attorney can help ensure that all necessary documents are properly prepared and filed, deadlines are met, and potential issues are addressed promptly, ultimately saving time and reducing stress.

What Are the Costs Associated with Probate? 

The costs associated with probate can vary widely depending on the size and complexity of the estate. Typical costs include court fees, executor fees, attorney fees, and appraisal fees. In New York, probate court fees are based on the value of the estate and can range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars. Additionally, executor and attorney fees are often calculated as a percentage of the estate's value.

What Is the Role of the Surrogate’s Court in Probate? 

The Surrogate’s Court oversees the probate process to ensure that the deceased's will is valid and that the estate is administered according to the law. The court's responsibilities include appointing an executor or administrator, reviewing the will, resolving disputes among beneficiaries, ensuring that debts and taxes are paid, and overseeing the distribution of the estate's assets. The court may also intervene if there are issues with the executor's or administrator's performance.

What Happens If the Will Is Contested? 

If the will is contested, the probate process can become significantly more complicated and lengthy. A will contest involves a legal challenge to the validity of the will, typically based on claims such as undue influence, fraud, or lack of testamentary capacity. The court will hold a hearing to consider the evidence presented by the contesting parties. If the court finds the will to be invalid, it may void the will and distribute the estate according to state intestacy laws or a previous valid will. This process can be complex and may require the assistance of an experienced probate attorney to navigate.


“Inna and her staff do a tremendous job when it comes to not just routine estate planning, but advanced and complex plans and probate matters.” – Michael P.

“Inna Fershteyn is a very knowledgeable attorney with many years of experience in Trust and Estates, Elder Law, Medicaid Planning, Probate and Administration. She is a truly understanding and compassionate attorney who always responds to the individual needs of her client. She gets the job done very well – and most importantly with speed and great accuracy! Highly recommended!!!” – Mariya G.

Case Studies

A client who had recently lost her spouse due to natural causes while vacationing in Puerto Rico came to seek legal assistance regarding her late husband’s property estate apartment in Manhattan, New York. Inna and her team were able to help the client get letters of administration through an electronic filing process since COVID-19 precautions were limited for mailing services. With the process taking almost a year for some, our client received her letters within two days of filing. With the help of the Law Office of Inna Fershteyn and Associates, P.C., the client was able to obtain full ownership of her late husband’s property.

Client’s father passed away leaving behind 2 grown children and a wife.  He died intestate – without a will.  His estate consisted of a house in Brooklyn NY and 2 bank accounts in Chase and Bank of America.  There was also an IRA and life insurance.  While the wife was able to gain access and receive proceeds of Life Insurance and IRA plan as she was listed as a beneficiary, the house and 2 bank accounts had to go through NY Surrogate’s court process called Administration since the father died without a will in NY.   If there is no will then the surrogate’s court decides who is a beneficiary of the estate in accordance with NY EPTL – New York Estate Powers and Trusts Laws.  In accordance with NY EPTL, the wife would get the first $50,000 plus 1/2 of the estate proceeds while 2 adult children would get the rest.  Attorney Inna Fershteyn prepared a NY Surrogate’s court petition for administration of the estate and submitted necessary forms such as a funeral bill, family tree affidavit and death certificate as well as the payment for the administration.  The administration process in the state of NY is extremely slow and is still backed up with all the NY administration cases of people dying without a will during covid.  However, attorney Inna Fershteyn managed to obtain the letters of administration in a record amount of time which allowed the family to pay all the creditors and distribute estate assets to all the beneficiaries.

A client lived in a co-op apartment with her brother who passed away. Her brother unfortunately passed away without a written will that voiced his wishes to transfer his 50% share of the apartment. To obtain full ownership of the apartment, we helped the client access a certificate of right to survivorship and file for will administration. We listened to the client’s needs and addressed them immediately knowing that nowadays, the will administration process may take several months. 

A family came to the Law Office of Inna Fershteyn during an extremely difficult time. A mother and father lived with their adult son in a co–op apartment when he committed suicide. The son had sole ownership of the apartment, but passed away without a written will. To transfer ownership of the apartment to his surviving parents, we helped them file letters of administration. Additionally, their son processed a large sum of money in his bank account, but did not name any beneficiaries. Despite having a son, we could not name him as a beneficiary because he was not a U.S. citizen. Therefore, we helped name his parents the appropriate beneficiaries on the account and let them preside over the account. During this process, we sympathized with the family’s grief and addressed the situation in a timely manner.

An elderly individual passed away, leaving behind a will created two years before their death. The individual had two children, one of whom was allocated the majority of the $2 million estate, with only a small portion allocated to the other child. The child receiving the smaller portion contested the will, alleging that the deceased was coerced by the sibling who received the larger share. The contestant claimed that the deceased was suffering from dementia at the time and had been manipulated into changing the will. The case was brought before the Surrogate’s Court. Probate lawyer Inna Fershteyn was instrumental in this process, representing the estate and providing critical evidence through witness testimonies and expert opinions on the deceased's mental state. The court found insufficient evidence to prove undue influence. The medical records indicated that the deceased was of sound mind when the will was created. Thanks to Inna Fershteyn’s expertise, the court upheld the will, and the larger share was distributed as specified. 

A successful entrepreneur died unexpectedly at the age of 60 without a will, leaving behind a spouse and three adult children from a previous marriage. The estate, valued at $5 million had to be distributed according to New York’s intestacy laws, which led to disagreements among the family members. The surviving spouse filed a petition in the Surrogate’s Court to be appointed as the administrator of the estate. Attorney Inna Fershteyn provided invaluable assistance by guiding the spouse through the legal process, ensuring all necessary documents were correctly filed. After confirming there was no will, the court appointed the spouse as the administrator. Inna Fershteyn’s involvement helped manage the estate, pay off debts, and distribute the assets according to the law. Although there were initial disputes among the children, the legal framework provided clear guidelines for distribution and ensured a smoother process.

A retired banker passed away and left behind an estate valued at $1 million with significant debts, including unpaid taxes, mortgage loans, and various personal debts. The administration of the estate required meticulous handling of the complex debt situation before any distribution to heirs could occur. The Surrogate’s Court appointed the eldest child as the administrator, who enlisted the help of probate lawyer Inna Fershteyn. Attorney Fershteyn assisted in identifying all creditors and validating the debts, ensuring compliance with legal guidelines, and prioritizing the payment of debts, starting with taxes and secured debts like the mortgage. Inna Fershteyn’s knowledge and expertise was crucial in negotiating with several creditors to reduce some of the outstanding amounts. After paying off all validated debts, the remaining estate value was distributed among the children. The process took over a year due to the complexity of the debts, but the diligent management by attorney Inna Fershteyn ensured that all legal obligations were met and the estate was properly settled.

Serving NYC, Brooklyn, Bronx, Queens, Staten Island & Manhattan

For the last two decades, the Law Office of Inna Fershteyn has established itself as a leading firm in helping clients navigate the complex and nuanced probate process. We assist clients with all legal procedures related to managing their deceased loved ones' estates, ensuring every detail is handled with care and expertise.

Based in New York City, our firm is well versed in the intricacies of the local probate system. This deep understanding allows us to provide exceptional service to clients facing the challenges of probate in one of the busiest legal environments. Our experience extends to managing the unique aspects of NYC's diverse population, including multilingual and multicultural considerations.

We also represent relatives of individuals who may have left a will in New York and offer comprehensive estate planning for those with disabled or elderly loved ones unable to visit our office. Our principal attorney, Inna Fershteyn, visits relatives in hospitals, nursing homes, or assisted living facilities to set up necessary legal structures, including wills, trusts, powers of attorney, and more, ensuring our clients and their loved ones are well cared for in their later years. Additionally, we assist out of state executors in serving as executors in New York probate proceedings and fulfilling their duties, even if they reside out of state.

Our extensive experience and personalized approach make the Law Office of Inna Fershteyn a trusted partner in navigating the probate process, providing top tier legal support for peace of mind to our clients and their families.


The Law Office of Inna Fershteyn is comprised of a group of experienced, leading will probate attorneys that can help with your will probate proceedings and will contests after a loved one has passed away. We serve Clients from Brooklyn through the Five Boroughs of New York City as well as Kings County, New Jersey and the surrounding area.