The Link Between Medicaid Fraud and the Opioid Crisis

There is little doubt to the notion that the Medicaid program helps millions of Americans in need of affordable and quality health care. As one of the nation’s most well-funded federal programs, Medicaid allows more than 70 million Americans to receive necessary health care and Read More …

The GOP Tax Plan’s Effect on Estate Planning

New GOP Tax Plan May Actually Be To Die For The new House GOP tax plan has caused a stir of controversy in the past few weeks. On November 2, 2017, the House Ways and Means Committee issued H.R. 1 called “Tax Cuts and Jobs Read More …

An Estate Planning Nightmare: Hopper v. JP Morgan

Generally speaking, people tend not to spend too much time focusing on events they do not consider imminent, such as death. Nobody expects tomorrow to be their last day, and thus, estate planning, the process of preparing the transfer of wealth to loved ones after Read More …

The GOP Tax Plan’s Effect on Medicaid Planning

The Republican Party, also known as the GOP, recently proposed a tax plan which, if enacted, would repeal certain deductions. As of now, nothing is permanent, but, should the plan pass the Senate, medical expense deductions will be eliminated, adversely impacting the elderly and disabled Read More …

The Effect of the Medicaid Work Requirement on Eligibility

Medicaid planning attorneyThe Effect of the Medicaid Work Requirement on Eligibility On Tuesday November 7th, 2017, President Trump and his administration, as well as Seema Verma, the administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Service, came together in front of the National Association of Read More …

What Trump’s Presidency Means for Estate Planning

President elect Donald Trump is scheduled to take office this Friday on January 20. With every new president comes a plethora of proposed changes. Trump’s presidency will possibly have an impact on estate planning. Some of his plans include repealing both estate taxes and gift Read More …

Carrie Fisher, Debbie Reynolds, and the Future of Their Estate

Icons Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds were well known throughout the world, and especially the media, for their immense talents in the entertainment industry. Carrie Fisher, the daughter of Debbie Reynolds, passed away a day before her mother, bringing their family to the center of Read More …

Robin Williams Widow Sues Estate: Does the Trust Trump Survivor Rights?

Prenuptial contracts walled off the assets from alimony claims when the star was alive but death creates new questions about where a late-in-life spouse fits into an estate plan. It looked like Robin Williams had negotiated a smooth inheritance solution for his widow and the Read More …

Robin Williams’ Widow and Children Feud Over Estate

Robin Williams, son Zachary and wife Susan Schneider attend The Comedy Awards in New York City in 2012. The late comedian’s family is currently feuding over many of Williams’ possessions   Robin Williams’ widow and his three children from previous marriages are currently engaged in Read More …

Lou Reed Walked On The Wild Side With His Estate Planning

Maybe we shouldn’t be surprised.  After all, Lou Reed was the man who famously crooned, “Hey babe, talk a walk on the wild side.”  The late lead singer and guitarist of The Velvet Underground — and of course, a musician and songwriter with a successful, Read More …