Blog Articles

Protecting Your House from Medicaid Estate Recovery

After a Medicaid recipient dies, the state must attempt to recoup from his or her estate whatever benefits it paid ...

Top Medicaid Planning Myths Dispelled

In the midst of a medical crisis, the last thing you want to worry about is healthcare coverage. There are ...

8 Ways To Benefit From A Trust

A trust is a legal agreement that allows one party (the grantor) to give another party (the trustee) the right ...

The 10 Best-Paying College Majors – And Why Business Isn’t One Of Them

NACE ranks the college majors where students graduate to enjoy the highest starting salaries in the country. The 2012 list ...

The High Price of Being Single in America

Over a lifetime, unmarried women can pay as much as a million dollars more than their married counterparts for healthcare, ...

Medicaid Fraud – another doctor arrested for FRAUD

Billing Fraud Case Worth $19 Million In 2013, a New York City cardiologist with offices on Fifth Avenue and in ...

Federal and Brooklyn prosecutors team up to tackle healthcare fraud

The Brooklyn district attorney’s office announced on Monday the creation of a Healthcare Fraud Division to crack down on doctors ...


How does an investigation begin and what should a Physician or Provider do once an investigation is commenced against them? ...

Gifted: Twice as many top-scorers as seats

For the first time in four years, fewer than 1,000 incoming kindergartners scored in the 99th percentile on the city’s ...

Trustees should do more for disabled beneficiary: judge

  NEW YORK, Jan 8 (Reuters) – On her final day as Manhattan Surrogate, Kristen Booth Glen issued a “clarion ...

YOUR PRACTICE: Consoling clients who have ‘gifting remorse’

  An unexpected tax break for the wealthiest Americans has some of them wondering if they were too generous during ...

Where you can go wrong with a do-it-yourself will

  It is possible to write a will all by yourself – type up on a piece of paper detailed ...

22 Things Happy People Do Differently

There are two types of people in the world: those who choose to be happy, and those who choose to ...
We protect your wealth from those who may have claims against it by converting it into an asset protection trust. (718) 333-2394

C-CORPORATION vs S-CORPORATION vs LLC – Which entity to choose?

Which entity to choose? It is all confusing. Which entity to choose? LLC or Corporation? Which tax status? Sub-S? LLC ...
We protect your wealth from those who may have claims against it by converting it into an asset protection trust. (718) 333-2394

When Couples Divorce But Still Run A Business Together

Most business owners know not to bring personal issues to work, but that has been especially difficult for Agostinho Ribeiro ...

Как защититься от семейного насилия, и почему полиции интересны лишь ссоры со смертельным исходом?

Некуда бежать – самая частая фраза, когда речь идет о насилии в семье. По статистике официальной, в России в год ...

Подсчитываете, сколько вы можете получить по наследству? Посчитайте еще раз – и прослезитесь.

var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; Плохая новость: большинство так называемых «бэби-бумеров», то есть   рожденных после Второй Мировой войны, получат гораздо меньше ...

Should we push our children to be special …

“What do you think- should we push our children to be special, remarkable and outstanding or average is good enough ...

Завещание или Траст: в каких случаях имеет смысл создавать Отзывные Трасты

Юридический ликбез: в каких случаях имеет смысл создавать Отзывные Трасты Будучи адвокатом, специализирующимся на вопросах создания Трастов (Trusts) и планировании ...